bugGforth - Bugs: bug #60642, [Feature request] Make possible...


bug #60642: [Feature request] Make possible long tap options

Submitter:  Denis Yurashku <dayfuaim>
Submitted:  Wed 19 May 2021 09:37:26 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Confirmed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  paysan
Open/Closed:  Open
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Thu 20 May 2021 01:05:06 PM UTC, comment #2: 

комментарий №1:

> original submission:
> > On Android, it's impossible to use the standard long tap options menu.
> > Please make possible using standard long tap options: Copy, Paste etc.
> > It will drastically simplify the process of code development.
> The terminal is very very simple and should stay that way.  It is possible that later on, a MINOS2 based advanced terminal can become available.  Currently, you can use ctrl-k and ctrl-u to cut parts of the terminal input buffer, and it ends up in Android's clipboard.  You should also be able to use ctrl-y and ctrl-v to yank from Android's clipboard; I'll add that.
> You can enter ctrl keys with Hacker's keyboard (or with a physical keyboard).

Of course.
Although I use Hacker's Keyboard, ctrl+{k,v, ...} don't work, they do nothing (tried many combinations of them). :(
So waiting for more advanced terminal.

Denis Yurashku <dayfuaim>
Thu 20 May 2021 11:35:47 AM UTC, comment #1: 

original submission:

> On Android, it's impossible to use the standard long tap options menu.
> Please make possible using standard long tap options: Copy, Paste etc.
> It will drastically simplify the process of code development.

The terminal is very very simple and should stay that way.  It is possible that later on, a MINOS2 based advanced terminal can become available.  Currently, you can use ctrl-k and ctrl-u to cut parts of the terminal input buffer, and it ends up in Android's clipboard.  You should also be able to use ctrl-y and ctrl-v to yank from Android's clipboard; I'll add that.

You can enter ctrl keys with Hacker's keyboard (or with a physical keyboard).

Bernd Paysan <paysan>
Group administrator
Wed 19 May 2021 09:37:26 PM UTC, original submission:  

Gforth 0.7.9
Android 10

On Android, it's impossible to use the standard long tap options menu.
Please make possible using standard long tap options: Copy, Paste etc.
It will drastically simplify the process of code development.

Denis Yurashku <dayfuaim>


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