bugGNU TeXmacs - Bugs: bug #60363, Undo and redo corrupt nested...


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bug #60363: Undo and redo corrupt nested itemize tags

Submitter:  Jeroen Wouters <jeronim>
Submitted:  Fri 09 Apr 2021 09:18:07 PM UTC
Category:  Editor Priority:  7 - High
Item Group:  Error Status:  Postponed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  vdhoeven
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  None Release: 
Fixed Release:  None Fixed Release: 

Wed 05 May 2021 01:40:59 PM UTC, comment #1: 

This looks like an annoying (although apparently rare) problem.  I will look more closely into it when I will have time.

Joris van der Hoeven <vdhoeven>
Group administrator
Fri 09 Apr 2021 09:18:07 PM UTC, original submission:  

Doing undo and redo while editing nested itemize tags can corrupt nested itemize tags.

The follow is one sequence that leads to corruption:
1) Create two nested itemize tags
2) Enter "a" as the item for the first itemize and "b" as the item of the second level itemize. At this point the itemize looks like

* a
  o b

3) Move the cursor after the character "a" and press Backspace twice to delete the character and the item, to get

  o b

4) press Undo 6 times until everything is gone
5) press Redo 6 times to get back to the state of step 3
6) Press Undo 2 times

At this point the items look like

* aa
  o b

where the character "a" is repeated.

Further undoing and redoing leads to "Error: Exception, future corrupted" being thrown.

Jeroen Wouters <jeronim>
Group Member


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  • -email is unavailable- added by vdhoeven (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by jeronim (Submitted the item)

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    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2021-05-05 vdhoeven CategoryNone Editor
        Priority5 - Normal 7 - High
        Item GroupNone Error
        StatusNone Postponed
        Assigned toNone vdhoeven

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