bugMIT/GNU Scheme - Bugs: bug #41350, Edwin/Scheme Fail "out of the...


bug #41350: Edwin/Scheme Fail "out of the box" Windows 7

Submitter:  Marcus Chauliog <markoffchow>
Submitted:  Sun 26 Jan 2014 01:34:55 AM UTC
Category:  edwin Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  None
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Originator Name: 
Open/Closed:  Open
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Wed 07 May 2014 04:56:49 PM UTC, comment #1: 

This defect exists in versions 9.1.1 and 9.1.  It is not present in 9.0.  I've just started using version 9.0 on Windows; the first page of the Emacs Tutorial configured for Edwin displays.  Good luck!

Wayne Heym <wdheym>
Sun 26 Jan 2014 01:34:55 AM UTC, original submission:  

Upon opening of Edwin, attempt to run tutorial 'C-h t' results in the following error:

 Internal error: The object #f, passed as the first argument to %record-ref, is not the correct type.

This is an immediate "fail" for new users on windows platform; next steps are an Uninstall, pizza and coke, and "let's try Visual Studio instead!"  A grievous state of affairs indeed.

Marcus Chauliog <markoffchow>


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