bugGnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: bug #41255, Time-related issues in swfdec...


bug #41255: Time-related issues in swfdec testsuite

Submitter:  Gabriele Giacone <gg0>
Submitted:  Thu 16 Jan 2014 07:05:28 PM UTC
Category:  testsuite Severity:  3 - Normal
Release:  master Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Thu 16 Jan 2014 07:05:28 PM UTC, original submission:  

Time-related issues.
See http://wiki.gnashdev.org/PredictableLoading

 --=[ testsuite/swfdec ]=--
FAIL: run_swfdec_testsuite_g: gotolabel-multiple.swf:9b7e815d0ec8b35cae93165ad9a54fcd (traces in gotolabel-multiple.swf.trace-gnash, log in gotolabel-multiple.swf.log)
FAIL: run_swfdec_testsuite_m: movieclip-lockroot-loadmovie-6.swf:679b3cea0d9643744aa29c88ae9908e1 (traces in movieclip-lockroot-loadmovie-6.swf.trace-gnash, log in movieclip-lockroot-loadmovie-6.swf.log)
FAIL: run_swfdec_testsuite_m: movieclip-lockroot-loadmovie-7.swf:84ad9218797251db3ee79f9241f27b67 (traces in movieclip-lockroot-loadmovie-7.swf.trace-gnash, log in movieclip-lockroot-loadmovie-7.swf.log)
FAIL: run_swfdec_testsuite_m: movieclip-lockroot-loadmovie-8.swf:3ac7430bf84185e34aee32b2d2394600 (traces in movieclip-lockroot-loadmovie-8.swf.trace-gnash, log in movieclip-lockroot-loadmovie-8.swf.log)

Gabriele Giacone <gg0>
Group Member


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