bugGnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: bug #21705, Whiteboard not working in tutor.com


bug #21705: Whiteboard not working in tutor.com

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Mon 03 Dec 2007 06:26:11 AM UTC
Category:  plugin Severity:  3 - Normal
Release:  0.8.1 release Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Mon 03 Dec 2007 06:26:11 AM UTC, original submission:  

I'm apparently running Gnash 0.8.1 with Ubuntu 7.10
I recently upgraded from Ubuntu 7.04 and since the upgrade, my issue started. I'm not saying it's Gnash's fault, but Gnash is the cloest piece of the trail I can follow as you'll see. Firefox is the browser I'm using.

To further assist this issue, i will give instructions to get to the screen in question.

Go to http://www.mypubliclibrary.com
Click Answers 24/7
Click Live Homework Help (BETWEEN 5pm - 12AM CST)
If you're within the time window for free live tutor help, you should have no trouble. But outside of that my screenshots will do.
If you get in, you'll see a screen that lets you select a grade level and subject. tutor.com tech support claims I should not see this if Adobe Flash Player is not installed. And i got the Windows only shpeal so that's why I'm coming to you.

Basically, the Whiteboard does not work. In 7.04 it did. Please refer to white.gif. When I hover over the pencil button thing I get a pointer cursor change to a finger. I'd show you, but the screenshot did not capture it. It of course is selected by default. The whiteboard works just like MS Paint in Windows, but allows you to interact with the instructor. Anyway, it is selected but does not let me draw or do anything else. I just get a normal arrow elsewhere in the Whiteboard which should not be the case. Then I right click. I get what you see in menu.gif which I imagine is typical for any swf file in Gnash. And as you see, "Quit Gnash" is there. So I clicked About and got what you see in window.gif. Now there's just white.gif to look at. That's a plain blank screen. When the tutor writes or draws on the whiteboard, on their end they see everything. For me, now here may be an important detail, when it works right, the white part flashes, updating the board with what changes are made....live right in front of you. With my error, the white flashes, but i see nothing.

I went into live chat with tutor.com tech support. He said Adob Flash Player is what it required to run the session and Whiteboard. I installed Flash Player via Synaptic and that did nothing. I asked him if he knew what exactly Whiteboard ran off of, and he did not know. He referred me to the main office contact page on tutor.com and they are going to look at my issue in the morning. he was shocked i was able to even select a grade level because he said if it's not installed (Adobe Flash) nothing will work. But of course, all he knew was Windows. So i submittted a ticket to them and followed the breadcrumbs to your IRC chat. The guy there directed me to this page.

I'm in no real hurry to get this fixed, but I just thought I'd let you know about it. they have file sharing that works. Instead of using the Whiteboard, the tutor and I have just been exchanging image files they create in MS Paint. The file sharing anf web browser work fine. It's just the Whiteboard that does not.

It's quite possible the error lies within Ubuntu 7.10 itself since thats when the error first occured. And no, i did not go there right after i upgraded.I just noticed it a few days ago and I upgraded last week.

I don't know if this is enough detail for you but you can contact me for any further questions.

Thanks and good luck fixing the bug!



(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #14542:  white.gif added by None (81KiB - image/gif - It may help to get a screenshot of it in Windows. )
file #14543:  window.gif added by None (109KiB - image/gif - It may help to get a screenshot of it in Windows. )
file #14544:  menu.gif added by None (100KiB - image/gif - It may help to get a screenshot of it in Windows. )
file #14541:  typing.gif added by None (79KiB - image/gif - It may help to get a screenshot of it in Windows. )


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


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  • -email is unavailable- added by nelsonrn (Updated the item)

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    Follow 6 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2008-08-01 nelsonrn ReleaseNone 0.8.1 release
        Item Group0.8.1 release None
    2007-12-03 None Attached File- Added white.gif, #14542
        Attached File- Added window.gif, #14543
        Attached File- Added menu.gif, #14544
    2007-12-03 None Attached File- Added typing.gif, #14541

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