bugGnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: bug #21588, Bowman hit registered in wrong...


bug #21588: Bowman hit registered in wrong place

Submitter:  Benjamin Wolsey <bwy>
Submitted:  Thu 15 Nov 2007 08:52:39 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Release:  master Status:  Confirmed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  bwy
Open/Closed:  Open
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Fri 05 Jul 2013 01:35:00 PM UTC, comment #8: 

Yep, it's the Y being wrong, not the X
(as said by bwy in comment #2)

Sandro Santilli <strk>
Group Member
Fri 05 Jul 2013 12:59:18 PM UTC, comment #7: 

Hits are still registered some distance under the birds.

Bastiaan Jacques <bjacques>
Group Member
Tue 09 Nov 2010 03:13:18 AM UTC, comment #6: 

This is the same bug as http://www.juegosfan.com/commando-2, when the aircraft gone, the soldier fall from the house...

-X- <maximi89>
Wed 14 Jan 2009 11:57:42 AM UTC, comment #5: 

The version referred to in this bug report actually has an extra 'bird hunting' game, which still fails. Giving the same treatment to generic_character::pointInShape makes this work as well, but fails some of the HitTest tests (3 XPASS, 2 FAIL).

Benjamin Wolsey <bwy>
Group Member
Wed 14 Jan 2009 11:49:04 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Tests welcome.

Benjamin Wolsey <bwy>
Group Member
Wed 14 Jan 2009 08:53:46 AM UTC, comment #3: 

hitTest apparently ignores _root's transform. I have a fix under test.

Benjamin Wolsey <bwy>
Group Member
Tue 13 Jan 2009 04:13:57 PM UTC, comment #2: 

This has to do with MovieClip.hitTest. pointInBounds() returns false when it should be true. The problem may be to do with the 'camera' effect, which changes root's _x translation. Anyway, assuming getBounds() is correct, the only possible error is in getWorldMatrix(), as the x and y arguments are passed.

In any case, the hit is registered at the correct height (always the same, I think), but at the wrong x position.

Benjamin Wolsey <bwy>
Group Member
Thu 15 Nov 2007 01:20:43 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Not sure if it's related, but as_environment's get_variable_raw seems to fail consistently through the movie, leaving lots of undefineds on the stack, some of them apparently having to do with the hit test.

Benjamin Wolsey <bwy>
Group Member
Thu 15 Nov 2007 08:52:39 AM UTC, original submission:  

bowman.swf (lots of versions on the internet) works pretty well. However, in all games the point where a hit is registered is miles away from where it should be. This version:



has a 'bird hunting' game, where a hit is registered some distance under the birds.

When playing against a computer opponent, you are hit if the arrow lands a short distance behind you, your opponent usually much closer to you than he's drawn.

The opponent's bow also looks strange, but I haven't seen what it looks like on the pp

Benjamin Wolsey <bwy>
Group Member


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    Follow 4 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2013-07-05 bjacques ReleaseNone master
        StatusReady For Test Confirmed
    2009-01-14 bwy StatusNone Ready For Test
    2009-01-14 bwy Assigned toNone bwy

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