Gnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: bug #20045, plugins not built with...
bug #20045: plugins not built with --disable-shared
Follow 9 latest changes.
Date | Changed by | Updated Field | Previous Value | => | Replaced by |
2008-04-04 | strk | Assigned to | strk | dossy | |
Summary | plugin not installed with --disable-shared | plugins not built with --disable-shared | |||
2007-08-08 | strk | Severity | 5 - Blocker | 2 - Minor | |
Summary | plugin not installed | plugin not installed with --disable-shared | |||
2007-08-08 | strk | Severity | 2 - Minor | 5 - Blocker | |
Assigned to | None | strk | |||
Summary | plugin not installed when --disable-shared | plugin not installed | |||
2007-06-02 | rsavoye | Severity | 4 - Important | 2 - Minor | |
Status | None | Postponed |
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