bugGNU Source Installer - Bugs: bug #16308, scons support


bug #16308: scons support

Submitter:  anonymous coward <athing>
Submitted:  Sun 09 Apr 2006 01:31:55 AM UTC
Category:  Installation Severity:  3 - Normal
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Thu 09 Sep 2010 01:03:04 AM UTC, comment #4: 

> scons ... is very strangely a GNU project (!) which ...

You are confusing GNU CONS and SCons, which is the successor to GNU CONS.  Developed by the same person, but SCons is not a GNU project. Because of SCons' maturity, GNU CONS is depreciated, fortunately.

Luke Shumaker <lukes>
Sun 09 Apr 2006 06:12:40 AM UTC, comment #3: 

It's the automatic formatting in this savannah comments.
after each rule (build:, install:) there must be enter and a tab.
The tab was removed by the comment formatting.


<TAB>scons DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install

Claudio Fontana <sick_soul>
Group administrator
Sun 09 Apr 2006 04:12:50 AM UTC, comment #2: 

$ /usr/bin/make -f Makefile
Makefile:2: * missing separator.  Stop.

I'd fix it myself but Ionno much about autotools.

anonymous coward <athing>
Sun 09 Apr 2006 02:27:46 AM UTC, comment #1: 

This is very unfortunate.
I was considering contacting them to see if a GNU-compliant build system could be integrated in their code-base when I read this in the README file:

We have recently switched from automake/autoconf/make to scons for
building.  Please see the section on Compiling from Source below for

scons is a make/autotools replacement that is very strangely a GNU project (!) which is leading some (hopefully few) projects on a wrong road.

With the limited time at my disposition (and with the GNU scons project being in plain violation of GNU coding standards), I won't support scons directly in sourceinstall in the foreseable future [but I might consider automatic wrapping some day if I learn how to detect such a build system...]

What you can do is to add your own wrapping around that software's build system.
Take the following as a sketch only, since I do not have the possibility of testing on my system: I do not have scons or KDE which are both required.

Install scons. Source installation of scons is a pain in itself. Requires moving stuff around etc [bleah].
Try a binary package, maybe. It requires a recent Python I think.

Then put a simple ./configure script in the software top source directory with something like the following:

-- start --
#! /bin/sh

scons configure
--  end  --

put a simple Makefile in the software top source directory
with something like:

-- start --


        scons DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install
--  end  --

then, from the top source directory run:

$ sourceinstall .

Tell me if this went somewhere, and I hope you can understand
the project position about scons. Some workaround could happen in the future, expecially if I get some help.


Claudio Fontana <sick_soul>
Group administrator
Sun 09 Apr 2006 01:31:55 AM UTC, original submission:  

I wanted to try out Rosegarden (http://rosegardenmusic.com/ ), but it uses the SCons installation system (http://scons.sourceforge.net/ ), which is not supported.

anonymous coward <athing>


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