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Group | Description | Type |
[zec] Z-Shell Empire Client | zec is an Empire ( client written in Z-Shell script. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[z80asm] Z80 assembler | Assembler for the Z80 microprcessor. The assembler aims to be portable and complete. Of course it assembles all official mnemonics, but it also aims to assemble the unofficial mnemonics. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zwm] Zadka's Window Manager | Keyboard-oriented window manager. Very lightweight, and supporting external interface via properties. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zphpim] Zaurus PHp Personal Information Management | Web interface for Personal Information Management. For this moment you can manage your address book. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zebot] zebot - irc-channel guardian | ircbot written in perl, extensible through self-writable perl - modules using OO-techniques. Thought more as a toy, even if channel camping facilities and user managment are included: the thing acts as a dog :D | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zebra-constraint] Zebra | Zebra is a software dedicated to solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems. It will contains most of the known solving algorithms (MAC, Backtracking, Backjumping, ...) and will allow to generate reports about the resolution (number of constraint checks, ...) | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zeusarch] Zeus | A project to develop a new kind of operating system kernel from scratch; not based upon any one existing model/methodology of OS development or design. (sources: ) | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zfm] zfm | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[zdl] ZigzagDownLoader (ZDL) | ZigzagDownLoader is download manager. Using ZDL you can download in only one action from many services for file hosting and video streaming. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zproxy] ZigzagProxy (ZPROXY) | A Command Line Interface (CLI) to connect using proxies | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zimt] ZIMT: Zealous Instant Messaging Tool | ZIMT is a console client for instant messaging protocols like ICQ. It aims to have a easy-to-use ncurses-based interface, which can be controlled like the very good IRC client irssi, which means to have a screen filling window for each dialog. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[z130] Zirrux 130 | A program to compute the Tiger Hash with a generic C impementation and optimizations in assambler to x86 and x86_64. It has been postponed indefinitely but it will be eventually finished. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zlabpt] ZLab Pitch Tracker | This program extracts the pitch of an audio signal, and can divide it into notes.... sometimes. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zman] Zman Desktop Timer System | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[zombies] Zombies | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[zonecheck] ZoneCheck | ZoneCheck, a DNS zone checking tool | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zfirebirdda] Zope Firebird Database Adapter | Python Module needed as interface between Zope and Kinterbasdb to access Firebird databases | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zmas] ZOPE MultiAgent Systems | ZOPE MultiAgent Systems is a Python implementation of multiagent systems for ZOPE framework. ZMAS provide a hibrid communication platform of agents, based in blackboard and FIPA-ACL specifications, and an execution environment. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zbpos] ZotzBrothers POS Plus | Accounts Receivable, inventory, and point of sales system still in the very early stages of development. This is a conversion to free software of a system in use since the early to mid eighties. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zshscripts] ZShellScripts | ZShellScripts allow people to plug their own scripting language into Zope easily by providing a common base infrastructure. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zutils] Zutils | A collection of utilities for dealing with compressed files transparently. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[nitdroid] [ NITdroid ] | NITdroid is a kernel and userspace port from scratch of the Android operating system to the Nokia Internet Tables. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[dook] [moved] Dook: scripting language for Java | [moved] Dook is an embedded scripting language for Java platform. It is small, easy to use and learn. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[uracoli] µracoli | µracoli stands for "microcontroller radio communications library" and is intended to be a package that demonstrates capabilities and usage of Atmel's IEEE-802.15.4 radio transceiver in combination with AVR 8 bit microcontrollers. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[mozilla-bg] Български превод на разглеждача Мозилла. | Български превод на разглеждача Мозилла. Moz | non-GNU software and documentation |
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