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Group | Description | Type |
[zman] Zman Desktop Timer System | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[zombies] Zombies | non-GNU software and documentation | |
[zonecheck] ZoneCheck | ZoneCheck, a DNS zone checking tool | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zfirebirdda] Zope Firebird Database Adapter | Python Module needed as interface between Zope and Kinterbasdb to access Firebird databases | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zmas] ZOPE MultiAgent Systems | ZOPE MultiAgent Systems is a Python implementation of multiagent systems for ZOPE framework. ZMAS provide a hibrid communication platform of agents, based in blackboard and FIPA-ACL specifications, and an execution environment. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zbpos] ZotzBrothers POS Plus | Accounts Receivable, inventory, and point of sales system still in the very early stages of development. This is a conversion to free software of a system in use since the early to mid eighties. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zshscripts] ZShellScripts | ZShellScripts allow people to plug their own scripting language into Zope easily by providing a common base infrastructure. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[zutils] Zutils | A collection of utilities for dealing with compressed files transparently. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[nitdroid] [ NITdroid ] | NITdroid is a kernel and userspace port from scratch of the Android operating system to the Nokia Internet Tables. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[dook] [moved] Dook: scripting language for Java | [moved] Dook is an embedded scripting language for Java platform. It is small, easy to use and learn. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[uracoli] µracoli | µracoli stands for "microcontroller radio communications library" and is intended to be a package that demonstrates capabilities and usage of Atmel's IEEE-802.15.4 radio transceiver in combination with AVR 8 bit microcontrollers. | non-GNU software and documentation |
[mozilla-bg] Български превод на разглеждача Мозилла. | Български превод на разглеждача Мозилла. Moz | non-GNU software and documentation |
[agora] �?gora Galaxy | non-GNU software and documentation |
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