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Search string was: emacs.

Group Description Type
emacs Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor. Official GNU software

Search results

Search results for emacs in Groups:

Group Description Type
Emacs Muse Emacs Muse is an authoring and publishing environment for Emacs. It simplifies the process of writing documents and publishing them to various output formats. Official GNU software
Emacs Paced Predictive Abbreviation Completion and Expansion using Dictionaries non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs Package Managers Development of package managers for Emacs packages. non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs PEG Parsing Expression Grammars in Emacs Lisp non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs Screenplay Mode An Emacs major mode for editing screenplay files. non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs so-long.el Say farewell to performance problems with minified code. non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs Speaks Statistics An Emacs package statistical programming and data analysis with R, S/S-PLUS, SAS, Stata, XLispStat, ViSta, Omegahat, and others. It assists both with editing as well as interactive analysis. (not www non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs sql-upcase.el non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs Thumbs thumbnails image previewer for emacs/xemacs non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs Tiny Tools Emacs Tiny Tools is a collection of packages (extensions) and libraries designed to be OS and X/Emacs platform independent. They include tools to configure load-path automatically, jump to URLs, easy text delete, mail completion, and many more utilities. non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs Undo Browser non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs Weblogging A weblogging client written in pure elisp for emacs. non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs Wiki Emacs Wiki at is a wiki for Emacs users. It's role lies somewhere between regular documentation, a FAQ, and a mailing list archive. This project contains the raw wiki pages. non-GNU software and documentation
emacs-wiki, planner, and related modules Emacs-wiki is a file-based wiki system in Emacs. Planner is a planning tool which uses wiki pages. Together they offer a very simple and productive environment for note taking, document writing and more. non-GNU software and documentation
Emacs/RTF RTF reader/writer and editing mode for GNU Emacs non-GNU software and documentation
EmacsConf EmacsConf is the conference about the joy of GNU Emacs and Emacs Lisp. GNU user groups
Emacsy Embeddable GNU Emacs-like library using Guile non-GNU software and documentation
Emaxml - Emacs major mode for XML Emaxml is a major Emacs mode for editing XML documents. Its approach is to display a document as a tree and allow the manipulation of the branches. non-GNU software and documentation
EMMS - The Emacs MultiMedia System Emacs MultiMedia System, an emacs package to play multimedia files using external players. Official GNU software
Emtest Emtest is an extensible, modular testing package for emacs. non-GNU software and documentation
ENWC ENWC, the Emacs Network Client, allows one to connect to wireless/wired networks through GNU Emacs. It uses D-Bus, and currently supports NetworkManager and Wicd backends. non-GNU software and documentation
ERC ERC is a powerful, modular, and extensible IRC client for Emacs. Official GNU software
espresso-mode New Javascript-mode for Emacs non-GNU software and documentation
French GNU Emacs manual A French translation of the GNU Emacs manual non-GNU software and documentation
Geiser Enhanced Emacs/Scheme interaction non-GNU software and documentation

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