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Search results for avr in Groups:

Group Description Type
"Super-Project" for AVR-related projects This "Super-Project" acts as an umbrella-project for all AVR-related projects that are hosted on savannah. It does not perform any development of its own, but other public resources like mailing lists could be run here. non-GNU software and documentation
AVR C Runtime Library The C runtime library for the AVR family of microcontrollers. For use with GNU toolset (Binutils, GCC, GDB, etc.) non-GNU software and documentation
AVR Downloader/UploaDEr AVRDUDE is software for programming Microchip (former Atmel) AVR Microcontrollers. non-GNU software and documentation
AVR In-System Programmer Uisp is a tool for AVR microcontrollers which can interface to many hardware in-system programmers. non-GNU software and documentation
AVR USB This project is about developing a library for USB functions for the AT43USB355. non-GNU software and documentation
Embedded Filesystem Handler EFS is a FAT16/32-driver that can currently be used on the following architectures: - DSP69xx series with SD-card connected to McBSP port. - AVR ATMega series with SD-card connected to the SPI-pins. - i386 running GNU/Linux as user-space FAT handler. non-GNU software and documentation
Free AVR ICE / GDB-Serializer This project is about creating a free interface between Linux(windoze?) and Atmel-Mega, and other uCs, to debug them "In Circuit". non-GNU software and documentation
Gestionale Evoluto Per Aziende Libero GEPAL è un gestionale Libero con architettura client-server che avrà caratteristiche paragonabili alle soluzioni proprietarie commerciali non-GNU software and documentation
Simulavr: an AVR simulator Simulavr is a simulator for the Atmel AVR family of 8-bit risc microcontrollers. non-GNU software and documentation
WizAVRd non-GNU software and documentation
µracoli µracoli stands for "microcontroller radio communications library" and is intended to be a package that demonstrates capabilities and usage of Atmel's IEEE-802.15.4 radio transceiver in combination with AVR 8 bit microcontrollers. non-GNU software and documentation

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