mainGNU Midnight Commander - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admins:
14 active members

Group identification
Id: 3521
System Name: mc
Name: GNU Midnight Commander
Group Type: Official GNU software

This software is part of the GNU Project.

Important: the project web site is now maintained at  

Please do not file bugs here, file them

GNU Midnight Commander is a text-mode full-screen file manager. It uses a two panel interface and a subshell for command execution. GNU Midnight Commander includes an internal editor with syntax highlighting and an internal viewer with support for binary files. Also included is Virtual Filesystem (VFS), that allows files on remote systems (e.g. FTP servers) and files inside archives to be manipulated like real files.

Registration Date: Wed 11 Dec 2002 05:21:37 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 6 - Mature


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4.6.2-pre1 released
     posted by ptsekov, Thu 13 Sep 2007 06:04:58 PM UTC - 1 reply

GNU Midnight Commander version 4.6.2-pre1 has been released. Please test it and report problems. If no major problems are found, it will become mc-4.6.2 .

The source tarball is available at

Finally, the 4.6.1 release
     posted by proski, Thu 28 Jul 2005 04:32:06 PM UTC

GNU Midnight Commander version 4.6.1 has been released.  It has many bugfixes and improvements since version 4.6.0, including important security fixes.

The source tarball is available at

4.6.1-pre5 released
     posted by proski, Sun 03 Jul 2005 09:20:55 PM UTC - 3 replies

GNU Midnight Commander version 4.6.1-pre5 has been released.  Please test it and report problems.  If no major problems are found on this release, it will become mc-4.6.1.

The source tarball is available at

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