Cogitatio, an enhanced discussion system - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
It's a terribly distressing thing to experience that sometimes people are totally unable to efficiently discuss some issues. And this happens quite often, especially when we are talking about complex topics involving a significant amount of background information, a lot of different presumptations and more than one, possibly (at least partly) conflicting aspects. People can easily talk-and-talk-and-talk to each other without getting any closer to a conclusion, or even understanding each other's thoughts.
I think one of the reasons of this phenomenon can be that most humans are not quite capable of quickly memorising a seemingly unrelated set of facts and/or arguments, and to considering them simultaneously, constantly keeping in mind all important relations.
What we usually do is some random roam in the wood of thoughts; we consider some of them and totally ignore others. This approach might be adequate for solving simple every-day problems, but it is a totally impossible to resolve really complex matters this way.
In order to try to do something about this, I have decided to desing and implement a software-system that can help people discussing things.
Update (2005. January): the project is still alive, but still in an early stage of developement. Up-to-date information is <a href="">here</a>. (Currently only in hungarian.)
Registration Date: Tue 18 Jun 2002 09:37:43 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 1 - Planning

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