peoplePeople at Savannah: Joerg Feuerhake Resume & Skills

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Follows Resume & Skills of Joerg Feuerhake <wimthoelke>.



A lot of CV like information can be found here:

Currently I'm working with SAS/R-project, MySQL. I've been working with XML/XSLT a lot. I am skilled writing Java. I've done this in Tomcat and JBoss web environments. I do a lot of every day automation with PERL and write PHP quite fluently. Can setup and maintenance apache, mysql, postgresql. I have UNIX/LINUX skills, in terms of administration etc.

I earn a living doing statistics.

I do a lot of drawing and digital graphic design. I prefer using The Gimp.

As to my being an economist: I am skilled in evaluating micro-/macroeconomic scenarios. Can derive conclusions and, of course, can back them economically correct, ...well sort of. I'm experienced in automated processing/analysing of economic data. Furthermore, I maintain a quite large network of 'expertise' and contacts in the fields mentioned.

Mother tongue is German, English is well developed, French is awful, Czech is above basic skills, a little Spanish is understood.


Skill Level Experience
C++ Base Knowledge 2 yr - 5 yr
UML Base Knowledge 2 yr - 5 yr
LaTeX Good Knowledge 5 yr - 10 yr
Java Good Knowledge 5 yr - 10 yr
JavaScript Good Knowledge 5 yr - 10 yr
MySQL Good Knowledge 2 yr - 5 yr
PostgreSQL Good Knowledge 2 yr - 5 yr
SQL Good Knowledge 5 yr - 10 yr
XML Good Knowledge 5 yr - 10 yr
HTML Master 5 yr - 10 yr
The Gimp Master 5 yr - 10 yr
Perl Master 5 yr - 10 yr

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