newsAdvanced Gtk+ Sequencer - News


Goals of GSequencer 1.4.x

Item posted by Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann> on Fri 05 Jan 2018 01:43:07 AM UTC.

The audio editor should be definitely available with this version. Since I really wanted to have the 4 paste modes available to you. I decided to post-pone the following goals:

Just in time

There is going to be a JIT counterpart of ags-buffer and ags-copy recalls. I decided to use AgsAudioSignal with template flag getting modified by ags-capture-sound recall.

This recall is responsible to copy from AgsSoundcard to AgsAudioSignal template. Then come ags-jit-buffer or ags-jit-copy recall in. These recalls do continuous accept changes in the template AgsAudioSignal.

Currently ags-copy-pattern and ags-play-notation do create a copy of the template AgsAudioSignal as the pattern or notation wants a new AgsAudioSignal.

void ags_recycling_create_audio_signal_with_defaults(AgsRecycling *recycling,
                                                     AgsAudioSignal *audio_signal,
                                                     gdouble delay, guint attack);


It seems obviously that we need to sub-type AGS_TYPE_AUDIO_SIGNAL and extend it with mutexes, the AgsConcurrentAudioSignal. It shall be locked by accessing its struct fields. 

GSequencer is able to perform lock free operations on audio data, because the AgsAudioSignal is tied to an AgsRecyclingContext. This usually means its own parallelism context is guaranteed.

New machine and widgets

AgsAudiorec machine shall give you the ability to interface with the ags-capture-sound recall. To configure the audio source you can use either AgsInputCollectionEditor or AgsInputEditor. They are provided by the AgsConnectionEditor, opened by activate appropriate machine's context menu entry.

AgsChannel:soundcard of AgsInput is used to assign the source of ags-capture-sound. just got some new widgets. They are very familiar to AgsScale and related.

by Joël

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