newsease.js - News


GNU ease.js 0.2.9 released

Item posted by Mike Gerwitz <mikegerwitz> on Wed 08 Nov 2017 04:18:46 AM UTC.

This release succeeds v0.2.8, which was released 15 July, 2016.  There are no backwards-incompatible changes, but certain default behaviors have changed (see changes below).  Support continues for ECMAScript 3+.

Changes between 0.2.8 and 0.2.9

This release contains a number of bugfixes for traits, which is stable but
still under development:

I apologize for the (extreme) delay in this release: the process was stalled for many months while waiting for certain legal documents after my employer was purchased by another company.

Release notes for past releases are available at:

More information, including an online manual, can be found on GNU's website:

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