newsease.js - News


GNU ease.js v0.2.4 release [stable]

Item posted by Mike Gerwitz <mikegerwitz> on Fri 08 Aug 2014 04:05:04 AM UTC.

This is a maintenance release correcting a number of bugs---most of which were introduced in v0.2.3---addressing primarily ECMAScript 3 incompatibilities. Users needing to support ES3 environments (notably, IE<=8) should consider v0.2.3 to be broken.
v0.2.3 was released last week on Jul 28.
Changes between 0.2.3 and 0.2.4:




Trait support is currently under development and will be undocumented until v0.3.0; it is included currently as a preview and is functional and  comprehensively tested, but incomplete.
- [preview] [bugfix] Non-argument traits now apply an empty array to `__mixin` instead of `undefined`, which is unsupported by ES3

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