newsGNU Rush - News


Version 1.6 released.

Item posted by Sergey Poznyakoff <gray> on Tue 10 Feb 2009 02:53:14 PM UTC.

GNU Rush version 1.6 is available for download from and

Following is a list of user-visible changes:

Patterns in _transform_ statement

The syntax of the transform statement has been extended to
allow for specifying transformation argument string:

 transform STRING REGEX
 transform[N] STRING REGEX

STRING may contain meta-variables, which are expanded before
performing the transformation. The following meta-variables are

  ${user}             User name
  ${group}            Name of the user's principal group
  ${uid}              UID
  ${gid}              GID
  ${home}             User's home directory
  ${gecos}            User's GECOS field
  ${program}          Program name
  ${command}          Full command line
  $0 to $9            The value of the Nth command line argument
  ${N}                Same as above, useful if N > 9 or N < 0 (see "Negative argument indexes", below).

Thus, for example:

  transform[0] s,.*/,/bin/,
is equivalent to:

  transform[0] $0 s,.*/,/bin/,

The _map_ statement

This statement sets a command line argument using a map file.


Each line in a map file FILE contains fields, separated by delimiter DELIM. The map statement looks for the record whose Kth field has the value of KEY. If such a record is found, its Vth field becomes a new value of the Nth command line argument. Othervise, if DEFAULT is given, it is used as a new value. Otherwise, the argument retains its old value.

KEY may contain meta-variables described above (see "Patterns in
transform statement").

The _set_ statement

The set statement replaces entire command line with the new value:

rule foo
  set /bin/scp -t /upload

In indexed form, it replaces the given argument:

  set[0] /bin/scp

The argument to `set' may contain meta-variables (see "Patterns in transform statement").

The _delete_ statement

This statement deletes the given argument, or range of arguments, from the command line. It has two forms:

1. Delete the Nth argument:


2. Delete all arguments between indexes N and M, inclusive:

  delete N M

Modifying program name

To modify the program name (as opposed to argv[0]), use ^ pseudo-index, e.g.:

  set[^] /bin/scp

By default (unless [^] form is used) argv[0] is used as the program name.

Negative argument indexes

Negative argument indexes refer to arguments numbered from the end of the command line. E.g.:

  transform[-1]         is the same as transform[$]
  transform[-2]         will transform the last but one argument

New statement _interactive_

This statement provides a replacement command line for interactive use of rush. By default, such use is prohibited. However, using the interactive statement you can allow some users a limited interactive access. For example:

interactive shell-command

rule login
  command shell-command
  group rshell
  map[^] /usr/local/etc/ : ${user} 1 2 none
  transform[0] ${program} s,^.*/,-r,

Use of predefined error messages in _exit_ statement

Predefined error messages can be used in `exit' statements.
E.g., the statement:

  exit @nologin-message

will retrieve the text of the `nologin-message' and send it to the remote party before exiting.

If the message text must begin with a `@' sign, duplicate it:

  exit @@special error message

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