newsCASheW-s Editor - News


Release 0.01

Item posted by Andrew John Hughes <gnu_andrew> on Mon 16 May 2005 09:51:24 PM UTC.

We are pleased to announce the first developer snapshot release of the CASheW-s editor.

The CASheW-s editor project is an attempt to create an editor, which allows for the visual composition of web services.  It also includes significant low-level Java code to interact with semantic web and web service technologies, and provides a binding to the CASheW-s engine (

The highlights of this initial release are as follows:

3 people actively contributed code to this release and made 155 CVS commits during the last seven months of development.

diffstat for this release:
1227 files changed, 88395 insertions(+)

sloccount: 7,842 physical source lines of code

More details about the various changes and contributions below.

The CASheW-s editor 0.01 can be downloaded from

File: cashew-s-editor-0.01.tar.gz
MD5sum: b22d21fd56330a78ccfb1395042660b1
SHA1sum: f3b6ee1d30ea8499b48761658eb19a7b536bf473

1). Who should use this software?

This project is of primary interest to those interested in semantic web services, and particularly in their composition.  At present, you should install the CASheW-s editor if you are interested in its development or in reporting bugs.
We appreciate both.

2). What is required to build/install/run?

The CASheW-s editor requires a working GNU build environment and a Java byte code compiler capable of handling the language extensions present in the 1.5 specification.  Our reference compiler is the Eclipse compiler, ecj, although we intend to support more compilers once Free Software 1.5 compilers become more widely available.

You will also need a runtime environment.  The project
hackers use JamVM 1.3 ( for this purpose.  Other environments may also be usable, but these have not yet been tested.

For using the editor, the latest version of Eclipse is required.  The editor has primarily been tested on the current beta, 3.1, as this supports 1.5 language constructs.

Our code makes full use of parameteric typing and JAXP 3, and these features need to be available within the deployed environment.

2). Which platforms are supported?

The GNU/Linux platform is regularly tested by the developers. 
We aim to make our code as portable as possible, and this,
combined with the platform independence already inherent
in the Java language, should make this project usable in
alternate environments.

5). Where do I go for more information?

Try our Savannah project,

The following people helped with this release:

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