bugGnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: Statistics


Statistics by 'Assigned to':

Field Description: Who is in charge of handling this item

Open Items

bjacques 12/339 4%
bwy 4/339 1%
dossy 2/339 1%
georgethomas 1/339 0%
hichamhaouari 1/339 0%
nelsonrn 2/339 1%
nihilus 1/339 0%
None 269/339 79%
rsavoye 27/339 8%
strk 15/339 4%
udog 3/339 1%
vipw 2/339 1%


All Items

alexeev 13/2084 1%
bik 1/2084 0%
bjacques 193/2084 9%
bobbynaugs 3/2084 0%
bwy 87/2084 4%
cmusick 5/2084 0%
dossy 7/2084 0%
georgethomas 1/2084 0%
gg0 15/2084 1%
hichamhaouari 4/2084 0%
jgilmore 1/2084 0%
martinwguy 10/2084 0%
mushi 1/2084 0%
nelsonrn 16/2084 1%
nihilus 59/2084 3%
None 817/2084 39%
rsavoye 243/2084 12%
siliu 2/2084 0%
strk 500/2084 24%
tgc 54/2084 3%
tomeu 1/2084 0%
tstellar 1/2084 0%
udog 27/2084 1%
vipw 3/2084 0%
zoulunkai 20/2084 1%


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