bugGNU Scientific Library - Bugs: bug #22478, Missing functions for complex...


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bug #22478: Missing functions for complex vectors

Submitter:  -Deleted Account- <bjg>
Submitted:  Tue 04 Mar 2008 05:14:53 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  4 - Important
Operating System:  Status:  Fixed
Assigned to:  bjg Open/Closed:  Closed
Release:  1.10

Sat 27 Sep 2008 02:17:56 PM UTC, comment #2: 

The missing vector/matrix functions should now be fixed by commit 66db623267811a3574c82672d49bafd273af80e3

Thanks for the bug reports.

-Deleted Account- <bjg>
Wed 17 Sep 2008 05:01:23 PM UTC, comment #1: 

From: "Liam Healy" <liam@healy.washington.dc.us>
To: "Help GSL" <Help-gsl@gnu.org>
Subject: [Help-gsl] Complex vector arithmetic
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 17:58:17 -0400

I notice that some vector functions on complex numbers do not exist,
though I can't think of a reason for this.  For example, these do not exist:


but all real types do, as well as the corresponding matrix functions:


I made a table of arithmetic functions and definitions I could find in
the library:
          real vector real matrix complex vector  complex matrix
_add       yes        yes  no       yes
_sub       yes        yes no    yes
_mul       yes no no    no
_mul_elements     no yes no    yes
_div     yes no no    no
_div_elements     no yes no    yes
_scale     yes no no    yes
_add_constant     yes no no    yes

I can see that _mul_elements or _dev_elements is used only for
matrices and _mul or _div used only for vectors, but I cannot see why
vectors do not have definitions for complex types but matrices do.

Is there a reason for the absence of definitions for complex vectors?

(GSL 1.11 on Debian Lenny amd64)


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-Deleted Account- <bjg>
Tue 04 Mar 2008 05:14:53 PM UTC, original submission:  

From: Federico Zenith <federico.zenith@member.fsf.org>
To: -email is unavailable-
Subject: [Help-gsl] Missing functions for complex vectors
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 13:50:43 +0100

I am working on a C++ GSL wrapper (yes, there are not enough of them
already around :-), and I have been working on vectors last week; while
writing the wrapper, I noticed a couple of oddities I'd like to point
out before reporting them as a bug (I am using the GSL version 1.10):

1) complex vectors have defined all properties mentioned on this page:
except isnonneg(). I am not sure what's the meaning of ispos() or
isneg() for a vector of complex numbers, I suppose it means "both real
AND imaginary part are positive", but this should be documented;
furthermore, I do not understand why, if ispos() and isneg() could be
defined, why could not isnonneg() be as well.

2) Vector operations, defined on this page:
are not defined for complex types. As far as I can guess, all these
operations would still make sense for complex numbers. What is really
odd is, the same operations are defined for complex matrices.

Did I miss something?


-Deleted Account- <bjg>


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    Follow 6 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2008-09-27 bjg StatusConfirmed Fixed
        Assigned toNone bjg
        Open/ClosedOpen Closed
        Carbon-Copy- Added -email is unavailable-
        Carbon-Copy- Added -email is unavailable-
    2008-09-17 bjg Severity3 - Normal 4 - Important

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