bugfindutils - Bugs: Submit Item



Please note that if you log in to Savannah before reporting a bug, you will be notified of progress in fixing it.  See the "Login via SSL" link on the left hand side of the page.  Please either log in or give your email address; if you don't indicate your email address, we have no way of asking you for additional information.  Sometimes, we need this additional information in order to fix the problem you're having. 

Before you submit your bug report:

1. Are you using a recent version of findutils? Is your problem fixed in the current version?

2. Did you read the manual? The Texinfo ("info") documentation as well as the manual page?

3. Is the problem really in findutils?  Or perhaps did you misunderstand the way the shell works?  For example, do you understand the difference between

find -name *.c


find -name "*.c"

Please include in your bug report:

1. the version of findutils you are using (e.g. run "find --version" and include the output)

2. what you were trying to do

3. the exact command line that you used

4. what you expected to happen

5. precisely what did happen.



Category:  Item Group: 
Privacy:  Originator Name: 
Originator Email:  Release: 
Fixed Release: 
Summary:  *
Original Submission:  Full Markup   

* Mandatory Fields


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