bugfindutils - Bugs: bug #12099, O_NOFOLLOW may be erroneously...


bug #12099: O_NOFOLLOW may be erroneously disabled

Submitter:  Dmitry V. Levin <ldv>
Submitted:  Tue 22 Feb 2005 03:11:09 PM UTC
Category:  find Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Wrong result Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  jay
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  Closed
Release:  4.2.18 Fixed Release:  4.2.19
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Tue 22 Feb 2005 07:05:35 PM UTC, comment #1: 

This problem is fixed in the CVS code for findutils.
To resolve your problem, you could either wait for the
next official release of findutils, or check out a copy
of the code from the CVS repository for findutils.

James Youngman <jay>
Group administrator
Tue 22 Feb 2005 03:11:09 PM UTC, original submission:  

check_nofollow() uses locale-dependant function atof(3) to calculate kernel version number.
Various locales have various decimal points, so check_nofollow() may fail to calculate correct kernel version number.
For example, ru_RU.* locales use "," as decimal point.
As result, O_NOFOLLOW gets disabled e.g. on GNU/Linux when used with these locales.

This could be fixed either by moving check_nofollow() call before setlocale(3) call, or by changing kernel version parser to avoid locale dependency.

Dmitry V. Levin <ldv>


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Follow 4 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2005-03-07 jay Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    Fixed ReleaseNone 4.2.19
2005-02-22 jay StatusNone Fixed
    Assigned toNone jay

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