taskGnash - The GNU Flash player - Tasks: task #6960, Remove threads use in the core lib


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task #6960: Remove threads use in the core lib

Submitter:  Sandro Santilli <strk>
Submitted:  Thu 31 May 2007 01:03:12 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Wed 30 May 2007 10:00:00 PM UTC Should be Finished on:  Wed 30 May 2007 10:00:00 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  1 - Later
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Percent Complete:  0%
Open/Closed:  Open Effort:  0.00

Thu 10 Jan 2008 10:30:47 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Another limit of thread use in the core lib is
predictability of execution for testing.

Note I'm not saying to drop thread use in general,
but only from the core lib.

When loading, for example, the core lib would request
load from the hosting app, which may choose to do that
in a separate thread ...

Sandro Santilli <strk>
Group Member
Tue 18 Dec 2007 12:04:27 AM UTC, comment #3: 

We basically want I/O to be asynchronous, that's the final goal.
In particular, loads should not make the GUI unresponsive.
We can obtain this in two ways:

 - non blocking reads from a single thread

 - blocking reads in background threads with
   notification mechanism (new data arrived,
   end of stream, timeout) and cancel requests.

Sandro Santilli <strk>
Group Member
Sat 15 Dec 2007 04:12:02 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I personally like using threads, and find that trying to design software to remove thread use is often more of a mistake than surviving learning to debug threads. While I do think it's a good idea to not have overly heavy usage of threading, Gnash doesn't. In my experience, the callback mechanism you're proposing can often be messier and more trouble that it is worth.

Rob Savoye <rsavoye>
Group administrator
Sat 15 Dec 2007 11:10:59 AM UTC, comment #1: 
Sandro Santilli <strk>
Group Member
Thu 31 May 2007 01:03:12 PM UTC, original submission:  

This is just an idea (for after the 0.8.0 release) to make things simpler and possible more performant.

See gnash-dev archives for more info (Subject: post-release task item: removing threads use).

Also see http://www.gnashdev.org/wiki/index.php/MovieAdvancement

Sandro Santilli <strk>
Group Member


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