taskGNU Astronomy Utilities - Tasks: task #16251, Using Make's jobserver for...


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task #16251: Using Make's jobserver for parallelization

Submitter:  Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Submitted:  Sun 04 Sep 2022 12:50:05 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Sat 03 Sep 2022 11:00:00 PM UTC Should be Finished on:  Sat 03 Sep 2022 11:00:00 PM UTC
Category:  All Gnuastro Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  Enhancement Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Percent Complete:  0% Open/Closed:  Open
Effort:  0.00

Sun 04 Sep 2022 12:50:05 PM UTC, original submission:  

One of the most common high-level frameworks where Gnuastro is run is GNU Make since it manages dependencies and can run in Parallel.

When running in Parallel, by default, each program counts the total number of CPU threads and uses all of them. So if a CPU has 8 cores, and a user runs Make with '-j8' (to use all those 8 threads), and each rule has one NoiseChisel call within it (which will use all 8 cores by default), the system will have a queue of 8x8=64 jobs! It is possible to manage this by setting all Gnuastro programs to use one thread in a 'gnuastro.conf' configuration file, but that is not usually the most effective way either (there might be times that more than one thread is available).

For such situations, Make has the "jobserver" concept, which is described in the Sharing Job Slots with GNU make. Since all Gnuastro programs use a single function to spin-off threads, it should be relatively easy to implement this in Gnuastro; so it integrates with GNU Make and doesn't add too many jobs to the queue.

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator


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