taskGNU Astronomy Utilities - Tasks: task #14319, Full reproduction pipeline in FITS...


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task #14319: Full reproduction pipeline in FITS extension

Submitter:  Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Submitted:  Mon 23 Jan 2017 03:20:52 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Sun 22 Jan 2017 03:00:00 PM UTC Should be Finished on:  Sun 22 Jan 2017 03:00:00 PM UTC
Category:  Table Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  Enhancement Status:  Postponed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Percent Complete:  0% Open/Closed:  Open
Effort:  0.00

Mon 23 Jan 2017 03:20:52 PM UTC, original submission:  

The reproduction pipeline (for example see the reproduction pipeline for the paper introducing NoiseChisel) that produced a specific research result or data-set (image/table) is vitally important for its scientific integrity.

Ultimately, as discussed in that reproduction example, if a result/dataset is not reproducible (by an anonymous peer, with no personal communication with the authors), the result/data cannot be given a "scientific" label.

Currently there is no special way to keep all this very valuable information along with the data in a FITS file. As a consequence, what most surveys do is to include a very large collection of header keywords from all the files that were used to produce the result along with the configuration values they used in their software (for example see any of the FITS files in the Hubble Space Telescope GOODS-North processed data).

But merely keeping this information is not enough, the order of operations is also vitally important and it is very hard to keep/transmit this ordering information along with the full set of configuration parameters through header keywords. Another problem with this large collection of header keywords is navigation by the user: it is really hard to find important information in all these (mostly repetative) keywords.

So here, I am suggesting to use one of the great features of the FITS standard to address this problem. We can add a new program into Gnuastro to write/read the full reproduction pipeline (like the one above) into a FITS binary table, variable-length array (see section 7.3.5 of the FITS 3.0 definition paper). By nature, such pipelines won't take more than a few hundred kilobytes (at most), so keeping them along with ten-or-hundred-megabyte datasets is no significant burden on the servers or upload/download, but allows the full procedure to generate the data to be kept in the same file as the dataset. Also, when the pipeline is heavily commented (like the example above), anyone can benefit from it and understand it.

We can take the two following procedures:

  • The full reproduction pipeline (all directories/subdirectories long with files) can be put into one `tar.lz' compressed file, and put that into the variable length array. Note that Lzip offers much better archivability features and also compression ratios for source code compared to other existing compressors like Gzip, Bzip2, or `.xz'.

  • Each reproduction pipeline filename (along with its directory information) can be kept separately in the first column of the FITS binary table and its contents can be compressed (with Lzip) and kept in the next column.

In both cases, the high-level command-line Gnuastro program will allow easy manipulation of this reproducibility information, for example bringing out the full/partial reproduction pipeline from the FITS binary table. If we define special conventions for variable names in the pipeline it can also be possible to pull out only the desired variable value without actually saving the full file for example.

When the datasets are particularly large (for example >100Mb), we can also add the Lzip compressed Gnuastro (and its dependencies) tarballs (all together less than 10 megabytes) as other rows of this binary table. This way, the data will be truely exactly reproducible, only needing very low-level things like a C library and a compiler.

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator


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