mainphpGroupWare - Support: sr #103400, schema_proc 'UNIQUE' feature...


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sr #103400: schema_proc 'UNIQUE' feature working like 'INDEX'

Submitter:  Caeies <Caeies>
Submitted:  Mon 27 Sep 2004 08:16:15 AM UTC
Category:  Feature Request Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  Caeies
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None

Mon 27 Sep 2004 08:16:15 AM UTC, original submission:  


Ok, this is more a reminder than a real support request.

Can you (I :) implement the UNIQUE() in table creation in the same way we are handling the INDEX ones ... I mean :

if I build a table with :
uc => array(id,name),

I get in the Create table query : UNIQUE(id),UNIQUE(name)
and not as it is currently the case : UNIQUE(id,name)

To get this second behavior, use a :
uc => array(id,array(id,name))
which will be turned into UNIQUE(id), UNIQUE(id,name)

We should be aware of potential breaks from older apps that rely on this behavior.

Hope that I'm clear :)


Caeies <Caeies>
Group administrator


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