mainphpGroupWare - Support: sr #100937, Mass deletion from the Addressbook


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sr #100937: Mass deletion from the Addressbook

Submitter:  Invalid User ID <#7521>
Submitted:  Wed 22 May 2002 10:16:20 AM UTC
Category:  Feature Request Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  2 - Minor Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  jarg
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None

Wed 22 May 2002 08:35:51 PM UTC, comment #1: 

You can delete everything in the database in the contacts table ...

Wed 22 May 2002 10:16:20 AM UTC, original submission:  

It would be great if there where some way of performing
mass deletions from the adressbook.
I've just experimented with importing all my old
adresses from Outlook which means I now have 2500+
entries which are basicly empty, and short of deleting
them one-by-one I can see no other way of getting rid
of 'em other than reinstalling the whole system from



Invalid User ID <#7521>


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Follows 1 latest change.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2004-03-26 cboettger Assigned toNone jarg

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