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Search results for mxe in Bugs:

Item Id Item Summary Group Submitter Date
#59118 [MXE Octave] Blas Switcher tool does not work in default installation directory GNU Octave siko1056 2020-09-16
#59088 Failing java.lang.Float BIST test in GNU Octave philipnienhuis 2020-09-09
#59081 [MXE Octave] Octave binary cannot be found by of-image GNU Octave siko1056 2020-09-08
#59054 [MXE Octave] Can't build current octave-stable GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-09-02
#59020 [MXE Octave] Update readme for Octave 6 GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-08-27
#59004 [octave forge] (communications) Error when trying to build (constness of cat op args) GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-08-24
#59003 movefile.m shows message about permissions GNU Octave philipnienhuis 2020-08-24
#58956 Empty plot for certain xlim / ylim settings GNU Octave hg200 2020-08-14
#58866 [MXE Octave] Move release-octave target to use current SUNDIALS IDA GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-08-01
#58844 Unintended binary content copied into clipboard GNU Octave hg200 2020-07-28
#58807 Tolerance in BISTs is exceeded in 32bit Windows builds GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-07-22
#58800 BIST for rng sometimes fails GNU Octave hg200 2020-07-21
#58795 ode15i and ode15s fail for Windows 32bit GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-07-21
#58790 Octave closes unexpectedly when memory allocation fails (Windows 32bit executable) GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-07-20
#58689 [MXE Octave] Update mesa to use meson as (native) build tool GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-07-02
#58672 Qhull messages during __run_test_suite__ GNU Octave philipnienhuis 2020-06-29
#58524 [MXE] libsndfile build error GNU Octave philipnienhuis 2020-06-07
#58466 [MXE Octave] could not build netcdf GNU Octave avinoam 2020-05-31
#58426 [MXE Octave] native builds fail for missing sqlite executable GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-05-22
#58320 [mxe-octave] Add ability to specify a local or allusers install from the installer GNU Octave lostbard 2020-05-07
#58082 [MXE Octave] installer does not run pkg rebuild automatically on install GNU Octave arb 2020-03-30
#58002 [MXE Octave] DEBUG: FC_WEIGHT didn't match GNU Octave ianmcc 2020-03-16
#57769 [MXE Octave] could not build ilmbase GNU Octave avinoam 2020-02-08
#57760 [MXE Octave] NSIS installer stacked items on a HiDPI screen with scaling GNU Octave siko1056 2020-02-07
#57758 [MXE Octave] Symbolic package is not part of MXE Octave GNU Octave avinoam 2020-02-06

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