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Search results for mxe in Bugs:

Item Id Item Summary Group Submitter Date
#62295 installation path includes build path GNU Octave dasergatskov 2022-04-11
#62115 [MXE Octave] `cmake` missing dependency GNU Octave None 2022-02-25
#61786 [octave forge] (image) many image package test failures under Octave 7 GNU Octave hardy 2022-01-10
#61783 [octave forge] (image) errors while installing image package on 7.0.90 GNU Octave avinoam 2022-01-10
#61571 mkoctfile: Unresolved symbols when passing `-l` flags that depend on "base" libraries GNU Octave mmuetzel 2021-11-26
#61349 Make check fails after library update GNU Octave arungiridhar 2021-10-18
#61246 [mxe octave] openblas: matrix inversions give wrong results (inv, lu, mldivide) GNU Octave starry 2021-09-30
#61208 [MXE Octave] Launchers should set OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS GNU Octave mmuetzel 2021-09-23
#61030 [octave forge] (image) Don't use internal function GNU Octave mmuetzel 2021-08-11
#61024 [mxe-octave] build-markupsafe fails to build if build-python3 is built without libffi GNU Octave jwe 2021-08-09
#61008 [mxe octave] Patches to update GMP and MPFR libraries GNU Octave siko1056 2021-08-04
#60664 [MXE Octave] cannot work with RAW images - dcraw command fails GNU Octave None 2021-05-24
#60357 Failing test for `qz` with LAPACK 3.9.1 GNU Octave mmuetzel 2021-04-07
#60343 Document that MXE Octave bundles a minimal python GNU Octave karthikeyan564 2021-04-05
#60180 [MXE Octave] Command line startup on Windows does not wait for completion GNU Octave hze 2021-03-06
#60170 [MXE Octave] Add of-octproj package GNU Octave philipnienhuis 2021-03-04
#60016 libqhull was deprecated in favor of libqhull_r GNU Octave mmuetzel 2021-02-06
#59975 mxe-octave: libgcrypt download error GNU Octave philipnienhuis 2021-01-30
#59914 Native build of GSL-2.5 on windows 10 GNU Scientific Library psa 2021-01-20
#59383 [octave forge] (ocs) package depends on (deprecated) odepkg GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-10-30
#59373 [MXE] for dependencies that use cmake, don't build static libraries GNU Octave None 2020-10-28
#59338 [octave forge] (odepkg) Infinite loop when running `pkg test odepkg` GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-10-24
#59215 [MXE] and core Octave: Java 15 detection on MS Windows fails GNU Octave siko1056 2020-10-02
#59189 Octave crashes on start on Windows GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-09-27
#59173 "mkoctfile -p" returns wrong values for certain flags on cross-built systems (Windows) GNU Octave mmuetzel 2020-09-23

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