ghostscript - Summary
This software is part of the GNU Project.
Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript language. A PostScript interpreter usually takes as input a set of graphics commands. The output is usually a page bitmap which is then sent to an output device such as a printer or display. PostScript is embedded in many printers.
The project need to add an interface for Emacs to talk to so it can efficiently use one Ghostscript process to display a series of images, and output them into pixmaps specificed by Emacs. If you can help in this way contact Didier Please !
Registration Date: Thu 15 Feb 2001 05:37:41 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
posted by Arabidopsis, Thu 04 Dec 2014 06:37:59 PM UTC
Since the last GNU GS release Artifex Software have moved from GPL to the GNU Affero GPL V3 the gpl-ghostscript package (at version 9.07), and GNU-GS moved to this license too with this release.
A huge work on new functionalities and bugfixes was done between version 9.06 and 9.14, completely imported in GNU's last version.
Happy printing !
posted by Arabidopsis, Mon 02 Aug 2010 09:09:27 AM UTC
I'm pleased to announce the availability of a test release of the
gnu-gs 8.71.0 package.
Ftp links to the packages on
posted by Arabidopsis, Sun 26 Apr 2009 06:58:46 PM UTC
I'm pleased to release the versions 8.63.0 and 8.64.0 of GNU-Ghostscript today. A lot of changes and bug corrections from the respective versions (8.63 and 8.64) of GPL-Ghostscript are included in these versions.
Happy GNU printing !
posted by Arabidopsis, Sun 04 May 2008 10:07:19 PM UTC - 1 reply
I'm pleased to announce the availability of two new GNU Ghostscript
releases: gnu-ghostscript-8.61.0 and 8.62.0.
These releases are an adaptation of GPL Ghostscript version 8.61 and
8.62 respectively, with changes to make it compliant with GNU standards

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