ghostscript - News
posted by Arabidopsis, Thu 04 Dec 2014 06:37:59 PM UTC
Since the last GNU GS release Artifex Software have moved from GPL to the GNU Affero GPL V3 the gpl-ghostscript package (at version 9.07), and GNU-GS moved to this license too with this release.
A huge work on new functionalities and bugfixes was done between version 9.06 and 9.14, completely imported in GNU's last version.
Happy printing !
posted by Arabidopsis, Mon 02 Aug 2010 09:09:27 AM UTC
I'm pleased to announce the availability of a test release of the
gnu-gs 8.71.0 package.
Ftp links to the packages on
posted by Arabidopsis, Sun 26 Apr 2009 06:58:46 PM UTC
I'm pleased to release the versions 8.63.0 and 8.64.0 of GNU-Ghostscript today. A lot of changes and bug corrections from the respective versions (8.63 and 8.64) of GPL-Ghostscript are included in these versions.
Happy GNU printing !
posted by Arabidopsis, Sun 04 May 2008 10:07:19 PM UTC - 1 reply
I'm pleased to announce the availability of two new GNU Ghostscript
releases: gnu-ghostscript-8.61.0 and 8.62.0.
These releases are an adaptation of GPL Ghostscript version 8.61 and
8.62 respectively, with changes to make it compliant with GNU standards
posted by Arabidopsis, Fri 14 Sep 2007 12:19:41 PM UTC
Hi all,
I'm pleased to announce the version 8.60.0 of GNU gs !
This is a great release because all the patches and drivers of ESP gs was included. Another change is the x11 driver modularization. You don't need anymore a x11 client installed on an embedded device to have a working gs.
Happy printing !
posted by Arabidopsis, Tue 08 May 2007 09:11:46 AM UTC
I'm pleased to announce the availability of a new GNU Ghostscript
release: gnu-ghostscript-8.56.0.
This release is an adaptation of GPL Ghostscript version 8.56, with
changes to make it compliant with GNU standards and policies. It is
posted by Arabidopsis, Mon 23 Oct 2006 08:47:59 AM UTC - 6 replies
I'm pleased to announce the release of the gnu-ghostscript-8.55.
This release is an adaptation of GPL Ghostscript version 8.54, with
changes to make it compliant with GNU standards and policies. It is
available from the GNU Ghostscript project page:
posted by Arabidopsis, Tue 17 May 2005 11:36:05 PM UTC
Sorry, shame on me, I make a bad tarball, gs can't work. It's my fault. I reload it soon without errors. Verify that your version wasn't uploaded on the ftp site the 17 of May 11h55.
Thanks for your patience !!
Didier Link
posted by Arabidopsis, Tue 17 May 2005 04:13:40 PM UTC
A new release is available, the only changes over gnu_ghostscript-8.15 is the name of the tarball and a few addition in the Resource directory.
Warning for the CJK fonts users, the CMap files aren't distributed in the GNU release because of a problem of license, please see the README file in Resource/CMap/ directory. I keep contact with some
posted by Arabidopsis, Mon 02 May 2005 05:30:03 PM UTC
I'm pleased to announce the release of the version 8.15 of gnu_ghostscript. This release is based on the 8.15 GPL version released the 23th of september 2004.
This new features are from the web site about this version :
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