mainGNU/consensus - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admin:
2 active members

Group identification
Id: 11111
System Name: consensus
Name: GNU/consensus
Group Type: Official GNU software

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This software is part of the GNU Project.

Toward a GNU Consensus on Free Software for Social Networking

GNU Consensus is an umbrella project to facilitate coordination of free software social networking projects to encourage freedom, privacy, public space, and decentralization. It lives at

This is not a software package, but an effort to promote inter-operability of other free software, and provide a discussion space, and awareness program for free software developers, and other interested parties.

As part of the GNU Project, GNU/consensus promotes and fosters adoption of free software in the field of social networking. Using the GNU General Public License and the GNU Affero General Public License, developers can dedicate their code permanently to users' freedom, and thus ensure it advances the public digital space.

This project may itself produce software, and in that case, the source code will be released as AGPLv3+, or GPLv3+, as appropriate.

Please read the GNU/consensus Manifesto for more information about the mission, means, and objectives of the project.

Registration Date: Thu 27 Dec 2012 09:35:27 PM UTC
License: GNU Free Documentation License
Development Status: 1 - Planning


Latest News rss feed
The GNU/consensus Whistle, Volume I, Issue 0
     posted by hellekin, Fri 26 Jul 2013 06:39:46 AM UTC

The GNU/consensus Whistle: Looking Through the Prism

The first issue of an almost-monthly newsletter about free social software is out--its periodicity and publication date will adapt according to available articles.  You can read it on the GNU/consensus wiki, or receive it by email. [...]

A GNU Consensus for the GNU Year!
     posted by hellekin, Mon 31 Dec 2012 07:12:10 AM UTC

We're pleased to announce the launch of our activities on this new year's eve.

Toward a GNU Consensus on Free Software for Social Networking[1]

Dear fellow hackers,

after almost a year working in the shadows, we're pleased to announce the launch of the GNU/consensus project[2]. [...]

Quick Overview
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