mainClasspath Extensions - Summary

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Group Admins:
28 active members

Group identification
Id: 139
System Name: classpathx
Name: Classpath Extensions
Group Type: Official GNU software

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This software is part of the GNU Project.

The Classpath Extensions (classpathx) project develops free implementations of Sun's extension libraries (javax.*) for Java. Some of these libraries form part of the J2SE: in some cases these were developed here and have then been rolled into the main Classpath project. Any J2EE-only libraries remain part of this project.

We have moved to Subversion for source code control. Please update your local repositories as described below.

Registration Date: Thu 05 Apr 2001 02:57:47 AM UTC
License: Other license - Both GPL and LGPL will be used for this project. Where possible we will make the implementation code GPLed, but the API code will be LGPLed. This is important because it will allow organisations like the Apache Software Federation to use the APIs but to accept the GPL for implementation dependant code.
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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GNU JAF 1.1.2 released
     posted by dog, Thu 21 Nov 2013 05:11:41 PM UTC

This is to announce the release of version 1.1.2 of the GNU Java Activation Framework. This is a bug fix release, we have had precisely one (1) bug in the seven and a half years since the last release.

GNU Servlet API 3.0 released
     posted by dog, Mon 04 Nov 2013 06:51:34 PM UTC

This is to announce the release of GNU Servlet API version 3.0, including JSP and Expression Language version 2.1.

This package is now distributed under GPL 3.

inetlib moved back into classpathx project
     posted by dog, Mon 04 Nov 2013 12:06:35 PM UTC

I'm sure that those who have built GNU JavaMail from scratch will be pleased to hear that inetlib will now be hosted by the classpathx project and not by classpath. This means that we can keep dependency changes in the JavaMail providers in sync within the classpathx source repository.

Gnu JavaMail 1.1.2 released
     posted by dog, Sat 28 Apr 2007 07:07:11 PM UTC

A new point release of GNU JavaMail, version 1.1.2, is now available from

This is a bug fix and API compatibility fix release. Thanks to Boris Folgmann for discovering an issue with unique message-ids, and especially to Arend Freije for his work on API compatibility.

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