patchThe GNU Bourne-Again SHell - Patches: patch #8829, Allow redirection to listen for a...


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patch #8829: Allow redirection to listen for a TCP connection

Submitter:  Warren He <warrenhe>
Submitted:  Thu 10 Dec 2015 01:51:27 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  Done Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open

Wed 31 May 2017 04:30:05 PM UTC, comment #1: 

My concern about this approach is that it only allows for accepting  a single incoming connection each time the port is bound.

If the shell were to provide socket()+bind() as one operation, and then accept() as another operation, that would allow for more flexibility in how scripts deal with incoming connections, including the ability to accept multiple connections - and for users who want the simplicity of taking a single incoming connection, such a command could be implemented as a function using the socket()+bind() and accept() commands.

/dev/tcp redirection is useful, but it's also a bit strange for the shell to spoof the existence of non-existent device files so it can express TCP connections through redirection. Ideally I would say the shell shouldn't do this (at least, since it already does it, it shouldn't do it more) - but on the other hand, expressing TCP connection as redirection does allow for the connection to be limited to the scope of a command or group of commands, whereas using builtins to connect would require explicitly closing the connection files when done with them.

You can, for instance:

while read word; do respond_to "${word}"; done <> /dev/tcp/whatever

As opposed to:

tcp_connect hostname:port socket_varname   # Open TCP connection, store FD number in ${socket_varname}
while read word; do respond_to "${word}"; done <>&$socket_varname
exec {socket_varname}<>&-    # Close the connection FD

So the /dev/tcp style of approach does have its benefits, but I think it may be worth considering whether it really should be expanded.

George Caswell <tetsujin>
Thu 10 Dec 2015 01:51:27 AM UTC, original submission:  

This patch makes redirection to/from `/dev/tcp-listen/interface/port` listen for a TCP connection.

If the specified interface is a hostname that resolves to multiple addresses, it won't listen to all of them simultaneously. For example, if `localhost` is both `` and `::1`, `/dev/tcp-listen/localhost/1234` won't listen on `::1` unless it fails to listen on ``.

Warren He <warrenhe>


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  • -email is unavailable- added by warrenhe (Submitted the item)

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    2020-04-14 chet StatusNone Done
    2015-12-10 warrenhe Carbon-Copy- Added -email is unavailable-
    2015-12-10 warrenhe Attached File- Added 0001-dev-tcp-listen-interface-port.patch, #35683

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