patchGNU gv - Patches: patch #10096, potential buffer overflow in...


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patch #10096: potential buffer overflow in resource.c

Submitter:  eqkws
Submitted:  Wed 18 Aug 2021 02:41:52 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open

Thu 19 Aug 2021 04:30:57 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I applied your buffer overflow patch to my clone at which has some other fixes.

William Bader <william8000>
Wed 18 Aug 2021 02:41:52 AM UTC, original submission:  

In src/resource.c, there are multiple potential buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

At line 202, the program gets the value of 'locale' from an environment variable.

202 locale = getenv("LC_ALL");
203 if ( !locale || !*locale )
204   locale = getenv("LC_MESSAGES");
205 if ( !locale || !*locale )
206   locale = getenv("LANG");
207 if ( !locale || !*locale )
208   locale = "C";

From 211 to 228, the string in 'locale' is stored to 'loc_lang'.
After that, sprintf calls use 'loc_lang' with no length check.
Since the size of 'locale1', 'local2' and 'locale3' are all fixed to 100
if a malicious attacker puts a large string to the environment variable, it may cause stack buffer overflow that leads to buggy behavior.

210 {
211   char* cL, * cP;
213   cP = loc_lang;
214   cL = locale;
216   *loc_terr = 0;
217   *loc_cs = 0;
218   *loc_mod = 0;
220   while (*cL)
221   {
222     if ( *cL == '_' ) { *cP = 0; cP = loc_terr; }
223     if ( *cL == '.' ) { *cP = 0; cP = loc_cs; }
224     if ( *cL == '@' ) { *cP = 0; cP = loc_mod; }
225       *cP++ = *cL++;
226     }
227     *cP = 0;
228   }
230   s = resource_getResource(db,app_class,app_name, "international",0);
231   if (s == NULL || !strcasecmp(s, "False"))
232   {
233     sprintf(locale1, "noint:%s%s", loc_lang, loc_terr);
234     sprintf(locale2, "noint:%s", loc_lang);
235     strcpy(locale3, "C");
236   }
237   else
238   {
239     strcpy(locale1, locale);
240     sprintf(locale2, "%s%s%s", loc_lang, loc_terr, loc_cs);
241     sprintf(locale3, "%s%s", loc_lang, loc_cs);
242   }



(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #51796:  patchfile added by eqkws (853B - application/octet-stream)


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