LibreJS - News
GNU LibreJS 6.0.10 released
Item posted by Nikolas Nyby <nikolas> on Sun 25 Oct 2015 05:31:53 AM UTC.
There's a new version of LibreJS - version 6.0.10.
LibreJS is a Mozilla add-on that prevents nonfree JavaScript programs from running in your web browser.
Here's the changes since 6.0.9:
* Fixed a bug where @license-end was getting ignored
in some cases. Thanks to Micah Cowan for debugging this.
* Added the Universal Permissive License to list of recognized
licenses. Thanks to Benjamin Przybocki for suggesting it.
* Converted LibreJS to use Mozilla's new jpm tool instead
of the old add-on system: cfx. Thanks to Adrian Aichner for
helping out with this.
* Added some notes on working with the LibreJS codebase
to the manual.
* Reverted some commits that were causing problems. Thanks
to Ruben for pointing these out.
This project's website is here:
The source files are here: (458k)
And here's the xpi package you can install in your browser: (581k)
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