Denemo - News
Version 1.0.6 is imminent - please test!
Item posted by Richard Shann <rshann> on Wed 17 Jul 2013 04:07:14 PM UTC.
Version 1.0.6 will be released as soon as translations are in.
The new features are
*Import MusicXML
* Direct import of music XML.
* Improved Rhythm Entry
* Dotted rhythms in two keypresses
* Triplets in three keypresses
* Slurred versions of these too.
* Combined Key Signatures
* Search and Edit
* Seek a selected type of item
* Edit or continue seeking
* Applies to ornaments, Rehearsal Marks, bar lines ...
* Grace Note Hints
* works around the long-standing LilyPond "feature"
plus bug fixes and minor improvements.
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