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Liberty Eiffel release: 2016.05 (Bell)
     posted by ramack, Thu 26 May 2016 09:07:17 PM UTC

We are happy to announce the first release since LibertyEiffel officially is under the umbrella of GNU, 2016.05, code-named "Bell" (after Alexander Graham Bell - Scottish engineer).

Get it from one of the following sources
- Tarball: [...]

Bell Release Candidate 1
     posted by ramack, Mon 16 May 2016 07:00:12 AM UTC

the first release candidate for the bell release is out. Please check it out from git, download the tarball or install the debian packages from rc main

We'd appreciate any feedback on problems with the installation or any kind of bugs you find - if they are critical or easy to fix, we'll do so before the release.

Stay tuned and have fun!

Liberty Eiffel first release: 2013.11
     posted by cadrian, Mon 12 May 2014 12:00:03 PM UTC

Liberty Eiffel is a free eiffel compiler started from SmartEiffel code base. Its goal is to retain from SmartEiffel its rigour; but not its rigidity.

Eiffel is an advanced object-oriented programming language that emphasizes the design and construction of high-quality and reusable software. [...]

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