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GNUBatch 1.11 Released
     posted by toadwarble, Tue 22 Apr 2014 08:30:08 PM UTC

I have just uploaded GNUBatch 1.11

The configuration file has been updated to a more recent version.

I've fixed a couple of bugs affecting the network interactions which crept in a couple of releases ago. Sorry about that!

The reference manual has been updated in a few places.

GNUBatch 1.10 Released
     posted by toadwarble, Wed 06 Nov 2013 05:05:50 PM UTC

I've just uploaded GNUBatch 1.10

There are two main changes:

I've made the Motif part work and also support XML formats. Job submission from Motif should be better.

I've also hand-coded "getpwent" and "getgrent". Unfortunately on some systems with LDAP and/or AD emulation, running this is slow.

If the user being run can't be found in the password file, permissions etc should be those of the default user.

GNUBatch 1.9 Released
     posted by toadwarble, Tue 20 Aug 2013 06:47:05 PM UTC

I've just uploaded GNUBatch 1.9

The main difference is that there is now an option to save jobs (via "unqueue", but also from gbch-xr) in a single XML file rather than a "script" file and a "command" file. [...]

GNUBatch 1.8 Released
     posted by toadwarble, Sat 25 May 2013 11:14:32 AM UTC

I've just uploaded GNUBatch 1.8

Fixed a bug in message handling.

Moved the "home directory" config file to its own subdirectory
to avoid re-reading it twice if programs run from user home

Main change is conversion of most of the documentation to Latex
format. Old ODT format ones still available for time being and
I need to do a proper Intro manual.

GNUBatch 1.7 Released
     posted by toadwarble, Wed 13 Feb 2013 12:48:43 PM UTC

Just uploaded GNUBatch 1.7

Fixed a bug regarding connection of other hosts.

Reworked some of the IP handling with IPv6 handling partly in mind.

Added PyQt interface mainly intended for use as Windows clients but also available for UNIX and GNU/Linx. No documentation yet though.

GNUbatch 1.6 released
     posted by toadwarble, Wed 08 Aug 2012 11:14:26 AM UTC

I've fixed a few inelegancies in the networking setup.
I've fixed a couple of long-standing bugs in unqueuing jobs.
Tidied up some message handling.
Updated the documentation to talk about the networking stuff.

GNUbatch 1.5 released
     posted by toadwarble, Tue 26 Jun 2012 04:46:20 PM UTC

I have just uploaded release 1.5.

Fixed a "dawn of time" inconsistency in the handling of file names in redirections - now expand $env_vars, ~user, %t for job title etc and also `cmd` constructs.

Most of the network handling has been rewritten to not require very much in the hosts file for connections between servers. [...]

GNUbatch 1.3 Release
     posted by toadwarble, Thu 21 Oct 2010 09:36:12 PM UTC

This version has some extensive changes to aid incorporation in Debian.

Also included is a revision to handling of the user permissions file. This is now "default user" plus "exceptions" rather than being one for each user.

The manuals tell a few lies here - I'll update them shortly for 1.4 but most of the material is correct and will work in more or less the same way.

Please note that "charges" have been deprecated. I don't think anyone used them.

GNUbatch 1.2 Release
     posted by toadwarble, Fri 05 Mar 2010 06:59:34 PM UTC

This includes Debian configuration.

Some minor bugs have been fixed and some typos in the manuals.

The library administration has been rewritten to use libtool.

GNUbatch 1.1 Release
     posted by toadwarble, Sun 22 Feb 2009 01:26:47 PM UTC - 1 reply

GNUbatch 1.1 has been released.

This hopefully overcomes some compilation problems on some
systems and eliminates some warning messages.

Older News Approved
GNUbatch 1.0 Release posted by toadwarble, Wed 18 Feb 2009 06:29:12 PM UTC

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