GNU APL - News: GNU APL 1.7 Released
GNU APL 1.7 Released
Item posted by Jürgen Sauermann <j_sauermann> on Fri 17 Mar 2017 05:13:17 PM UTC.
I am happy to announce that GNU APL 1.7 has been released.
GNU APL is a free implementation of the ISO standard 13751 aka.
"Programming Language APL, Extended",
This release contains:
- bug fixes,
- ⎕SQL (replaces the SQL native function),
- ⎕DLX (an implementation of Donald Knuth's dancing links
algorithm, aka. Algorithm X or DLX).
- an interface from the programming languages Erlang and Elixir
into GNU APL. With this interface one can use APL's vector
capabilities in programs written in Erlang or Elixir. Or from
the Phoenix web framework.
All bugs reported before Mar. 17, 2017 were fixed.
The GNU APL project lives at:
and can be downloaded from: or any
GNU mirror.
Bug reports and other suggestions are welcome at
Have fun!
Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Author and Maintainer of GNU APL
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