buggnubg - Bugs: Statistics


Statistics by 'Operating System':

Field Description: Operating System impacted by the issue

Open Items

All 39/107 36%
Windows 11 1/107 1%
Windows 10 5/107 5%
Windows 7 5/107 5%
Linux 12/107 11%
Mac OS X 10.x 5/107 5%
FreeBSD 1/107 1%
Windows 95 1/107 1%
Windows NT 1/107 1%
Windows XP 22/107 21%
Windows Vista 1/107 1%
Windows 8 4/107 4%
Win 8.1 3/107 3%
Mac OS X Lion 1/107 1%
Other 6/107 6%


All Items

None 1/991 0%
All 187/991 19%
Windows 11 1/991 0%
Windows 10 10/991 1%
Windows 7 58/991 6%
Linux 106/991 11%
Mac OS X 10.x 20/991 2%
Mac OS X other 2/991 0%
FreeBSD 24/991 2%
Windows 95 2/991 0%
Windows 98 14/991 1%
Windows 98SE, ME 37/991 4%
Windows NT 3/991 0%
Windows 2000 65/991 7%
Windows XP 375/991 38%
Windows Vista 4/991 0%
Windows 8 15/991 2%
Win 8.1 11/991 1%
Mac OS X Leopard 4/991 0%
Mac OS X Snow Leopard 2/991 0%
Mac OS X Lion 2/991 0%
Mac OS X Mavericks 4/991 0%
Other 44/991 4%


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