bugGNU Screen - Bugs: Statistics


Statistics by 'Category':

Field Description: Generally high level modules or functionalities of the software (e.g. User interface, Configuration Manager, etc)

Open Items

None 59/326 18%
Feature Request 73/326 22%
Build/Install 26/326 8%
User Interface 40/326 12%
Memory Leak 1/326 0%
Crash/Freeze/Infloop 31/326 10%
Code Architecture 2/326 1%
Program Logic 78/326 24%
Documentation 13/326 4%
encoding 3/326 1%


All Items

None 141/728 19%
Feature Request 122/728 17%
Build/Install 77/728 11%
User Interface 80/728 11%
Memory Leak 3/728 0%
Crash/Freeze/Infloop 85/728 12%
Code Architecture 6/728 1%
Program Logic 156/728 21%
Documentation 55/728 8%
encoding 3/728 0%


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