bugGNU Web Translation Coordination - Bugs: Browse Items

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14 matching items

Item ID Summary down Status Assigned to Submitted
#22173 Chinese: add link to free-software-for-freedom.zh-cn.html In Progress monnand 2008-01-30
#22164 Czech: add link to free-software-for-freedom.cs.html franta 2008-01-30
#20320 Encoding problems with /philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.ro.html tct 2007-07-02
#19462 Hebrew articles related to the "Java Trap" have to be updated Confirmed meorero 2007-03-30
#22167 Hebrew: add link to free-software-for-freedom.he.html 2008-01-30
#51205 license-recommendations.ar.po 2017-06-08
#45690 New Galician POs are attached and need updating 2015-08-04
#22174 p/free-software-for-freedom.html: Translations should link to open-source-misses-the-point.html In Progress jimcrow 2008-01-30
#43643 philosophy/free-software-even-more-important 2014-11-20
#51204 Punjabi FSFS translation 2017-06-08
#19469 Romanian articles related to the "Java Trap" have to be updated Confirmed tct 2007-03-30
#22171 Romanian: add link to free-software-for-freedom.ro.html tct 2008-01-30
#33706 [cs] /philosophy/misinterpreting-copyright (new translation) franta 2011-07-04
#34535 [et] philosophy/europes-unitary-patent: to GNUNify, update, post 2011-10-12

14 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
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