bugCompact Disc Input and Control Library - Bugs: bug #11818, RFE: Full UDF (CD's/DVD's)...


bug #11818: RFE: Full UDF (CD's/DVD's) compliant reading

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Wed 02 Feb 2005 04:25:43 PM UTC
Category:  feature request Severity:  3 - Desirable
Item Group:  libcdio Status:  Duplicate
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Closed
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Sun 05 Jun 2005 06:33:36 PM UTC, comment #4: 
Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Tue 12 Apr 2005 02:52:16 AM UTC, comment #3: 

I welcome volunteers for this and would be happy to help someone capable.

Although I'm sure UDF support would be a good thing to add and a benefit to the community (for some definition of community), it's not something I would probably use, nor is it something I am all that interested in (right now). My experience adding Rock Ridge support suggests that I'm not going to find it all that much fun or quick to do either; in fact it may harder to do than Rock Ridge Support, or CD-Text. With respect to libcdio, I've had my own limit of adding features for others that I don't generally use.

If however someone else can't be found for the task but there really is that great an interest, if a person or group people were to pay me some relatively small token add this to libcdio - the resulting code would remain GPL and available to all - I'd entertain undertaking this.

In the unlikely event that this last route is contemplated, contact me personally.

Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Mon 11 Apr 2005 10:55:04 AM UTC, comment #2: 

BUMP!, I like to have this too ...but I can't code  =)))

Thu 17 Mar 2005 08:07:45 AM UTC, comment #1: 
Wed 02 Feb 2005 04:25:43 PM UTC, original submission:  

Feature request for full UDF (Universal Disk Format) compliant reading support.
(this function request is for both data-UDF and video-UDF on both CD and DVD):

Please add a full UDF parser / layer to libCDIO, capable of reading all UDF and ISO/UDF hybrid formats. UDF is an open standard defined by OSTA (Optical Storage Technology Association) so hopefully finding all the specification / documentation and even existing code for it should not be too hard. Please prioritize x86 ATA / ATAPI and OS Independent oriented code support first. Personaly I see reading UDF data and hybrid ISO/UDF discs most important, ....but reading data of non-encrypted DVD-Video (DVD-V) discs through a common library like libcdio would be very nice too, (many people think that UDF is only for DVD-Video but that is not true; while ISO 9660 was only designed for CD's and then later extended for DVD's, UDF was designed for both data CD's and data DVD's from the start so should really be the primary file-system used for all DVD's.

Looking for full UDF read support for:
UDF (Universal Disk Format) revision 1.0
UDF (Universal Disk Format) revision 1.02
UDF (Universal Disk Format) revision 1.5
UDF (Universal Disk Format) revision 2.0
UDF (Universal Disk Format) revision 2.01

Universal Disk Format (UDF) specs and docs:

Existing Source Code (C and/or C++) that I found:

Smart would probebly also be to check out Linux OS's sources too ;-)

Other common information on UDF:



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Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2005-06-05 rocky Severity5 - Average 3 - Desirable
    StatusNone Duplicate
    Open/ClosedOpen Closed

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