bugphpGroupWare - Bugs: bug #8375, Adding a ticket return warnings in...


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bug #8375: Adding a ticket return warnings in class.send.inc.php

Submitter:  François <franR>
Submitted:  Tue 30 Mar 2004 02:28:59 PM UTC
Category:  tts Item Group: release
Severity:  3 - Normal Priority:  1 - Later
Status:  Ready For Test Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Component Version:  SVN Operating System:  GNU/Linux - Debian
Reproducibility:  Every Time Planned Release:  None
Fixed Release: 

Tue 06 Dec 2005 03:11:20 PM UTC, comment #3: 

This now seems to be fixed in current stable CVS, can you please test it and let me know.  If I don't hear anything in a week or so I will close it.

Dave Hall <skwashd>
Group administrator
Tue 30 Mar 2004 08:53:15 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Oh, I forgot to say that despite the errors, the ticket is created.

François <franR>
Tue 30 Mar 2004 02:32:45 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Oh, I forgot to say that despite the errors, the ticket is created.

François <franR>
Tue 30 Mar 2004 02:28:59 PM UTC, original submission:  

TTS/Create new ticket  returns :
Your message could not be sent!
The mail server returned:
err_code: '';
err_msg: '';
err_desc: ''.

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And log says:
Mar 30 16:11:40 carabosse apache: PHP Warning:  fputs(): 123 is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/htdocs/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/class.send.inc.php on line 239
Mar 30 16:11:40 carabosse apache: PHP Warning:  fclose(): 123 is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/htdocs/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/class.send.inc.php on line 245
Mar 30 16:11:40 carabosse apache: PHP Warning:  fgets(): 123 is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/htdocs/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/class.send.inc.php on line 215
Mar 30 16:11:40 carabosse apache: PHP Warning:  fclose(): 123 is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/htdocs/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/class.send.inc.php on line 222

Notifications via email are set. Is this the problem ?
But nevertheless the email system is working fine for a while.

Apache 1.3.29
PHP 4.3.3

François <franR>


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  • -email is unavailable- added by skwashd (Updated the item)

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    Follow 4 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2010-03-06 skwashd Assigned toskwashd None
    2005-12-06 skwashd StatusNone Ready For Test
        Assigned tolpiepho skwashd
    2004-03-31 cboettger Assigned toNone lpiepho

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