bugphpGroupWare - Bugs: bug #7303, Case sensitivity problematic in...


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bug #7303: Case sensitivity problematic in VFS (SQL)

Submitter:  Michael Totschnig <totschnig>
Submitted:  Sat 17 Jan 2004 11:39:23 PM UTC
Category:  filemanager Item Group:  0.9.16RC2
Severity:  3 - Normal Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  lpiepho Open/Closed:  Open
Component Version:  SVN Operating System:  GNU/Linux - Debian
Reproducibility:  None Planned Release:  None
Fixed Release: 

Sat 17 Jan 2004 11:39:23 PM UTC, original submission:  

Using phpgroupware with MySQl, in filemanage, when you try to rename a file or directory by only changin case (e.g. file.txt to File.txt) the following error is raised:

Warning: unlink(/var/phpgroupware/files/home/michael/File.txt): No such file or directory in /var/www/html/phpgw_16/phpgwapi/inc/class.vfs_sql.inc.php on line 1618

followed by the message telling that file.txt had be renamed to File.txt. But the file is only renamed on the filesystem , it appears from the directory listing, until you use the update function.

The reason for the error, is the SQL query in the file_exists function: Since in MYSQL comparison on text fields is case insensitive, it believes that File.txt exists. Function mv then calls function rm to remove it from the filesytem.

A complete fix to this problem (which also appears in other situations) does not seem to be trivial. Either the VFS must be declared case insensitive, and all directory and file names must be translated to either upper or lower case, or all SQL queries must use functions that are case sensitive. In MySQL, according to the manual, you'd have to use
`INSTR(col_name, "A")=1' or `STRCMP(col_name, "A") = 0', but does this also work in other RDBMS?

Michael Totschnig <totschnig>


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