bugGNU Astronomy Utilities - Bugs: bug #63390, The --kernel option in the...


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bug #63390: The --kernel option in the aststatistics program.

Submitter:  Elham Saremi <elham>
Submitted:  Sun 20 Nov 2022 11:38:41 PM UTC
Category:  Statistics Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Crash Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Thu 21 Mar 2024 04:41:55 PM UTC, comment #2: 

The contents of 'test.fits' are irrelevant for this bug; so you can use any FITS image. If you don't have any, you can generate an all-zero FITS image (that is 100x100 pixels) using this command:

$ astarithmetic 100 100 2 makenew -otest.fits

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator
Tue 05 Mar 2024 06:30:10 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Do you mind sharing the files test.fits and kernel.fits? It would make it much easier to reproduce the problem.

Thorsten Alteholz <alteholz>
Group Member
Sun 20 Nov 2022 11:38:41 PM UTC, original submission:  

If we use a kernel file for --kernel option in the aststatistic program, there is no problem but if we don't want to use a kernel, we can not use --kernel=none similar to the NoiseChisel program and using this option, aststatistics doesn't run. Also, we don't see a proper error text for it.

To clarify, please see two examples below:

aststatistics test.fits --sky --kernel=kernel.fits
Statistics (GNU Astronomy Utilities) 0.19.16-f4bb
Estimating Sky (reference value) and its STD.
  - Using 12 CPU threads.
  - Input: test.fits (hdu: 1)
  - Kernel: kernel.fits (hdu: 1)
  - Input convolved with kernel.                       0.254564 seconds
  - Sky and its STD found on 800/4761 tiles.           0.058472 seconds
  - All blank tiles filled (interplated).              0.011181 seconds
  - Smoothed Sky and Sky STD values on tiles.          0.001490 seconds
  - Sky and its STD written to 'test_sky.fits'.
Completed in: 0.563517 seconds

aststatistics test.fits --sky --kernel=none

FITSIO status = 104: could not open the named file
failed to find or open the following file: (ffopen)
aststatistics: opening the given extension/HDU in the given file

Elham Saremi <elham>


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