bugGNU Astronomy Utilities - Bugs: bug #62129, Wrong "_sky.fits" suffix...


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bug #62129: Wrong "_sky.fits" suffix added to the output name

Submitter:  Raul Infante-Sainz <infantesainz>
Submitted:  Tue 01 Mar 2022 01:28:00 PM UTC
Category:  Statistics Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Output not reasonable Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Tue 24 Sep 2024 10:56:16 AM UTC, comment #3: 

Thanks Giacomo and Raul. For anyone following up on this, please ignore the commit below: it will cause many more bugs in Statistics.

In particular, this issue is not a "bug"! It is an intended feature: because in the same command, you can ask for statistical measures (including the sky among other things).

We will later try to adjust the behavior of statistics, but until then, please wait (there are more urgent things to do and this can be easily addressed by the higher-level script that uses Statistics).

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator
Tue 24 Sep 2024 10:37:48 AM UTC, comment #2: 

This "quick and dirty" commit should fix the issue: https://gitlab.cefca.es/glorenzetti/gnuastro/-/commit/2b8f96a9a1049de075e1a2c83e3467a551d32a15.

I didn't have time to test it properly, though, and the real job of few functions there is still not very clear to me. (And incidentally I fixed a similar issue in --contour)
So, Raul, please test it ruthlessly. :-D

The algorithm is also slightly different from utility to utility, so probably it should be considered to write a new function along the lines of "gal_checkset_automatic_output" that add the suffix only if the output is not present, to deal with similar cases using only one function across all gnuastro, instead of writing those 'if(p->cp.output)' everywhere.

Giacomo Lorenzetti <glorenzetti>
Group Member
Tue 24 Sep 2024 07:22:03 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I have faced the same problem, now with almost the latest version (0.23.18-25317), and I remembered that I posted this bug before.

I guess this is not difficult to fix, it is just a matter of finding some minutes. That is why I am bringing again this point so we don't forget it. Thanks!

Raul Infante-Sainz <infantesainz>
Group Member
Tue 01 Mar 2022 01:28:00 PM UTC, original submission:  

In Gnuastro 0.16.170-9dc3, when obtaining the sky image with Statistics, it adds to the output name the suffix "_sky.fits".

So, the result of the execution

$ aststatistics image.fits --hdu 1 --sky --output sky.fits

is an image with the name "sky_sky.fits".

It is good to have such behavior when no output name is specified. But it is not the desired result when the user specify an output name.

Raul Infante-Sainz <infantesainz>
Group Member


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